About Me
Project associate at CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory. Working on computational material discovery and retrosynthesis.
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M.Sc Computational Physics
Central University of Punjab, Punjab, India
November 2021 - June 2023
Courses: Numerical Methods, Electronic Structure Theory, Molecular Dynamics, Density Functional Theory, Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
B.Sc Physics
University of Delhi, New Delhi, India
June 2018 - June 2021
Courses: Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, Mathematical Physics
Project Associate
CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, India
Advisor - Dr. Kavita Joshi
August 2023 - Present
Using Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models for scientific data extraction from literature to create databases for training machine learning models for hydrogen storage applications.
Retrieval Augmented Generation for extraction of data from scientific literature
Preprint, Nov 2024
Abstract: Using large language models paired with retrieval augmented generation, a dataset of metal hydrides for solid-state hydrogen storage was created. The accuracy obtained was 93% in the cases tested. Thus, we demonstrate a pipeline to create datasets from scientific literature at minimal computational cost and high accuracy.
HyStor: An Experimental Database of Hydrogen Storage Properties
Co-author, May 2024
Abstract: In this work, we introduce the HyStor database, consisting of 1280 metal alloys along with their hydrogen storage capacities (H2 wt%) as a function of absorption temperature. Given the lack of updates in the existing open access HydPark database since 2002, we sourced compositions from recent research articles and various patent documents, resulting in a total of 468 compositions.
Quantum Dynamics of H2 formation on interstellar dust grains
Master's Thesis, Central University of Punjab, India
Advisor - Dr. Kousik Giri, February - June 2023
Abstract: The details of H2 formation in the interstellar medium are still unclear. Using MCTDH the dynamics of the formed H2 molecule on a carbonaceous surface was determined to understand the partitioning of the H2 recombination energy in the collinear Eley-Rideal mechanism. Our results show the introduction of the atoms neighbouring the carbon over which H is chemisorbed into the PES of Coronene C24H12, gives the correct energy partitioning with the nascent H2 taking ∼ 85% of the recombination energy.

Structure and Kinematics of the Milky Way Galaxy using Atomic Hydrogen
Conference Paper, June 2021
Abstract: Presented this paper based on my undergrad thesis in 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances In Fundamental And Applied Sciences (RAFAS), 25-26 June 2021.

Spiral Structure and Dynamics of the Milky Way Galaxy
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Delhi, India
Advisor - Dr. Vandana Batra, January - June 2021
Abstract: The hyper-fine transition of atomic hydrogen produces radiation of ν=1.4 GHz which is used to detect intergalactic HI gas in the Milky Way. An observation was carried out from 20° < l < 220° and −20° < b < 20° in steps of 5° using the remotely operated SALSA-Onsala 2.3m Radio Telescope located at Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden. The Perseus, Local and Outer arms of the Milky Way Galaxy were clearly identified. Using the Tangent Point Method the rotation curve till the solar circle was determined giving a value of Vc(Ro) = 240.16 ± 7.03kms−1.

Spectral Index of Synchrotron emission of Crab Nebula
University of Delhi, India
Advisor - Dr. Vandana Batra, September 2020
Abstract: Using archival flux density data ranging from radio to optical from different observations, the spectral index of the nebula in the different electromagnetic regimes was determined.
Courses and Workshops
IIIT Hyderabad - 8th Summer School on AI
July 2024
Research training event aiming at equipping participants with the relevant advances in the critical and fast developing area of artificial intelligence.
UCL - Future of Materials Discovery Workshop
June 2024
Workshop on AI and machine learning in the physical sciences.
LLM Hackathon for Applications in Materials and Chemistry
May 2024
Teamed up with the University of Liverpool to apply LLMs to improve property prediction for chemical compositions.
IISER Pune - Natural Language Processing
January - May 2024
Attended this semester course on NLP.
CDAC - Quantum Accelerated Computing
December 2023
Attended lectures and hands-on session on Quantum Computing.
IUCAA - Introductory Summer School in Astronomy and Astrophysics
May - June 2021
Attended lectures on various different topics in astrophysics.
RAD @ Home
June 2021
Learned how to make images using the data collected by GMRT and other telescopes and understand UV-optical-IR-radio (RGB-C) images of galaxies to classify galaxies into different subtypes.
Neutron Diffusion Equation

Mayan Hieroglyphics

Numerical Methods
1D Hard Disks

Extracurricular Activities
August 2023 - Present
I teach kids and distribute surplus food to those in need as part of the NGO Robin Hood Army.
Astronomy Club
2018 - 2022
Searching for suspected comets visible in SOHO/LASCO satellite images by participating in the Sungrazer project and taking part in astronomical observations and workshops and lectures on astrophysics and programming at Nehru planetarium.
International Asteroid Search Campaign
April - May 2018
Two provisional asteroid discoveries recorded.
Supernova Hunters
2017 - 2019
Discovered supernovas in Pan-STARRS1 data as part of a citizen science project.